
About me

A passionate web developer focusing on front-end interactive experiences.

Lets talk

I design and code beautiful, simple things, and I love what I do. If you're a business looking to hire or seeking a web presence, or if you wish to collaborate on a project, contact me.

What do I offer

My skills

I am a naturally curious problem solver continuously working on improving my chops one web developer problem at a time.

Front end development

I enjoy bringing ideas to life in the browser using HTML, CSS and Javascript, and building small and medium web apps with React or GatsbyJS. This also may include a CMS, API's or other integrations and frameworks.

UI/UX Design

I value simple content structure, clean design patterns, and thoughtful interactions. Once the proper information architecture is in place, I design the visual layer to create a beautiful user experience.

product ownership

I break the wall between people who know what to do and people who know how to do it. Market knowledge and excellent communication skills enable me to understand and anticipate the client’s needs , thus more effectively manage, lead and motivate the Development Team.

My work

Featured projects

I'm always seeking new exciting projects to build-out my portfolio even further.

Business Consultancy Website
Penny's Coffee Shop
CodeLog React Application
all projects

My apps

Featured applications

I strive to build immersive and beautiful web applications through carefully crafted code and user-centric design.

Get a  Know Penny the Doggo
React todo App
Random color code generator
All Apps

Get in touch!

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